Marion County WIC to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week, August 1st – 7th

Posted on August 1, 2022

(Salem, OR) – Marion County Health & Human Services (MCHHS) WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program is celebrating World Breastfeeding Week from August 1st to 7th, 2022. World Breastfeeding Week is an annual campaign organized by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) to promote awareness and understanding of the lifelong benefits breastfeeding offers mothers and their children.

To help the community develop a better understanding of the benefits of breastfeeding, WIC staff will be hosting an interactive celebration event in the Silver Falls conference room located next to the WIC program office at the Center Street campus on August 4th. Visitors will be given valuable information about breastfeeding benefits and the opportunities Marion County WIC offers to support breastfeeding families. Visitors can find the Marion County WIC program office at 3180 Center Street NE Suite 1360, Salem, OR 97301. Please note that attendees will be required to wear a face mask since MCHHS is considered a healthcare facility.

Marion County WIC will host a tent at the 2022 Family Fest at Salem’s Riverfront Park on Saturday, August 6thth, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Visitors will be encouraged to enjoy the shady space as a comfortable area to breastfeed or change diapers, and to learn about Marion County WIC’s services. This event is also an excellent opportunity for children to learn health and safety tips, and for parents to visit a wide variety of local vendors whose focus is children, children’s health, and children’s safety.

Through these events, Marion County WIC hopes to help educate the public and normalize breastfeeding in the community. To learn more about Marion County WIC, call, (503) 588-5057.

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