Marion County Increasing Traffic Patrols Through Labor Day

Posted on August 22, 2022

Marion Co. Sheriff’s Office – 08/22/22 8:12 AM

The end of summer is quickly approaching when many take to the roads for a family vacation or one last camping trip before school begins. Motorists should expect increased presence by deputies on Marion County roadways between Monday, August 22 through Sunday, September 4. The Marion County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Safety Team is partnering with law enforcement agencies throughout Oregon by focusing on safety belt and child seat laws.

In 2020, 1,019 children under twelve were injured in Oregon traffic crashes; 10 percent were not using a child restraint system. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading nationwide cause of death for children ages one through twelve.

In 2017, an Oregon law was passed requiring children to ride in a rear-facing safety seat until they are at least two years old. A child over two must continue to ride in a car seat with a harness or in a booster until they reach the age of eight or 4’9” in height and the adult belt fits them correctly.

For help selecting or installing child car seats, consult the seat manufacturer’s instructions, or your vehicle owner’s manual, or visit a local child seat fitting station listed at Many car seat fitting stations will host special events during National Child Passenger Safety Week September 18 through 24, with Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians on hand to assist families with selecting and use of car seats and boosters.

The enhanced patrols during this high visibility event are being paid for using grant dollars from the Oregon Department of Transportation.

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