Juveniles Arrested after Incident at Target

Posted on September 5, 2022

Keizer Police Dept. – 09/03/22 2:00 PM

On September 2, 2022 at approximately 8:43pm, Keizer Police Department officers were advised of a report of juveniles causing a disturbance at the Target store located at 6450 Keizer Station Blvd. in Keizer Station.  The complainant observed teenagers in front of the Target store harassing patrons – calling them names and confronting them.  The teens were last seen by the complainant hanging around vehicles in the parking lot.

At approximately 8:55pm, additional callers reported the teens were now inside the store running around and knocking over displays and causing damage.  At 8:57 the first Keizer officer dispatched on the call and arrived within 3 minutes as the situation was escalating.  At 9:00pm, callers reported the teens were attacking store employees and an elderly man inside the store.  At one point there was a pepper spray exposure but the deployment did not come from law enforcement.

The Salem Police Department, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office and the Oregon State Police assisted with crowd control in and around the parking lot of Target as there was a car show/meet happening as well as a busy In-N-Out Burger restaurant.

Keizer Police arrested a 14 year old female and a 15 year old male on charges that included, Assaulting a Police Officer, Resisting Arrest, Disorderly Conduct, Interfering with a Peace Officer and Aggravated Assault in the third degree.

The investigation is on-going and no further information is being disseminated at this time.

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