Pacific Power Issues Public Safety Power Shutoff Notice to Customers in Several Oregon Counties

Posted on September 8, 2022

Pacific Power – 09/07/22 4:29 PM

Weather forecast for Friday and Saturday shows high, gusty easterly winds during extreme wildfire conditions

PORTLAND, Ore. – September 7, 2022 — Pacific Power notified approximately 12,000 customers in Linn, Douglas, Lincoln, Tillamook, Marion and Polk counties of a potential Public Safety Power Shutoff due to forecast high, gusty easterly winds during extreme wildfire conditions from early Friday morning through Saturday.

“Our advanced weather modeling is indicating a potential for dangerous fire weather conditions,” said Steve Vanderburg, meteorology manager. “We’re gaining an understanding of the impacts to our system this specific weather event could bring, and have issued Public Safety Power Shutoff notices to several Pacific Power communities.”

Sections of the following communities could experience a Public Safety Power Shutoff:

  • Stayton east through the Santiam Canyon
  • Lebanon
  • Sweet Home
  • Lincoln City
  • Glide east along Umpqua Highway

A Public Safety Power Shutoff is a proactive effort to reduce wildfire risk during hazardous fire weather conditions, including extremely low humidity, dry vegetation, elevated levels on key weather indexes and sustained winds and gusts. Current forecasts indicate conditions for a Public Safety Power Shutoff could be met around 12:00 a.m. Friday morning. The power shutoff could last late into Saturday evening.

Customers have been notified of the potential power shutoff through phone calls, email and text messages. Customers will continue to receive updates through ongoing communications. A map of potentially affected areas is available at

Temporary community resource centers are being set up in affected communities. Locations and a full list of amenities will be shared when that information is available.

For all non-emergency questions about the Public Safety Power Shutoff, customers and the public should call Pacific Power at 1-888-221-7070.

Pacific Power crews will actively patrol and remove debris from lines and make repairs if needed. Once weather conditions have subsided and line inspections are complete, Pacific Power will restore service.

Visit for additional information on Public Safety Power Shutoffs, outage preparedness and wildfire safety.

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