Dr. Satya Chandragiri Holds Press Conference at Capital Mall

Posted on September 30, 2022

Doctor Satya Chandragiri addressed issues with the Salem-Keizer school board at the state capital mall last night. He said a dysfunctional school board is harmful to all our children and families. Silence or verbal violence, pretending to go along to get along is not the way to address the issues. He added, by our failure to act, we have become complicit in this outcome and where we are now. He offered five solutions – the school board needs to get its focus back on safety, high-quality learning, and authentic family engagement. Nothing else. Parents and students must be heard. Stop blaming, shaming, labeling, and doxing the parents and families. The school board can lift up vulnerable communities and also hold themselves and everyone accountable. Our failure to be accountable, fair, and just is not the reason for the collective punishment of all parents. And inclusive means include all, with no exception. Civil rights are for all. White children and families also have civil rights.

Read a complete transcript of Dr. Chandragiri’s remarks here.

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