Salem City Council Returns to In-Person Meetings

Posted on January 9, 2023

City of Salem 

Salem, Ore. – On January 9, 2023, at 6 p.m., the Salem City Council will meet in-person in the City Council Chambers at the Salem Civic Center, 555 Liberty Street SE, second floor. After lengthy supply chain challenges, Chambers are now equipped to provide hybrid meetings that allow participation both in-person and online.

Those who wish to comment in-person before the Council should plan to sign up on the rosters in the Chambers entrance before the start of the meeting.

“I’m excited to start the year by returning to in-person meetings for the Council,” said Mayor Chris Hoy. “During the pandemic, we were forced to meet virtually to keep everyone safe, but our city should be as open and accessible as possible. As we continue our fight to provide affordable housing to our residents, shelter and services for homeless individuals, and our work to grow the local economy, meeting in-person will help these conversations happen more effectively.”

At Monday’s meeting, city officers elected in 2022 will be sworn in, including the Mayor, City Councilors Linda Nishioka, Ward 2; Deanna Gwyn, Ward 4; Julie Hoy, Ward 6; and Micki Varney, Ward 8; and Municipal Court Judge Eleanor Beatty. Council will also discuss a variety of local issues including:

  • The airport commercial air service readiness project
  • Board and commission appointments
  • An agreement with the Salem Mass Transit District (Cherriots) for the Youth Fare Program
  • FEMA funding from the Emergency Management Performance Grant

People who wish to view the meeting online can still do so via live streams on the City of Salem YouTube Channel with translation to Spanish and American Sign Language also available.

To sign up to comment online during the meeting, go to the Comment and Participate in a City Council Meeting web page on meeting day between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. to access the online Meeting Public Comment Sign-up Form.

If you have questions related to Council meetings, call 503-763-3459 or email

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