Salem Parks, Transportation Plans Face Scrutiny January 23

Posted on January 22, 2023

Salem’s City Council, Salem Housing Authority and Urban Renewal Agency are scheduled to meet Monday, January 23, at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. In addition to hearing an annual report from the Salem Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and considering a motion from Councilor Stapleton to modify the scope of the Salem Transportation System Plan Update, topics on their agenda for City Council consideration include authorizing or approving:

  • The use of $4.5 million of unallocated McGilchrist Urban Renewal Area funds for the 22nd Street SE realignment project (Urban Renewal Agency),
  • The City Manager to execute an Agreement with the State of Oregon to transfer real property (Geer Community Park), and
  • Grant applications to build Pringle Creek Path connection and refine plan for pedestrian bridge over OR 22 east of Lancaster Drive SE.

Public hearings on:

  • Reallocation of Community Development Block Grant COVID grants, and
  • Supplemental Budget 1 for unanticipated City expenses related to operation of the City medic unit.

To give feedback online via Zoom during the meeting, please sign up between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. the day of the meeting at To give remarks in person at the Salem City Council Chambers, sign up just before the meetings using the lists available at the Chambers entrance.

If you need a translator to help you with comments, please contact us at 503-763-3459 or at least two business days before the meeting. Translation of the meeting into other languages can also be requested.

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