Salem Traffic Team to Focus on Seat Belt Use Awareness

Posted on January 31, 2023

Salem, Ore. — The Salem Police Traffic Team and other law enforcement agencies across the state are focusing of safety education to save lives through the nationally-recognized Click It or Ticket campaign. The safety effort helps bring awareness to drivers and their passengers on the importance of seat belt use to prevent injuries and fatalities in traffic collisions.

“It’s important to take the time to make sure you and your passengers are secure before turning on the ignition to go,” said Lieutenant Michael Bennett who oversees the Traffic Team. “And let’s not forget the kids. Proper use of child safety seats is important.”

The Salem Police Traffic Team also offers assistance with child car seat installation. Several team members and staff are certified technicians. Added Bennett, “If parents, grandparents, or even caregivers, need a little help with proper fit or installation of a car seat, we encourage them to call us to make an appointment.”

Keeping our city streets safe for pedestrians, bicyclists, as well as motorists and passengers, is an essential component of the Salem Police Department’s 2022-2024 Strategic Plan under the priority area of Safety. The Click It or Ticket campaign and other awareness efforts done by the Traffic Team throughout the year help the department take a comprehensive approach to reducing fatal and injury collisions, as well as increasing community education and outreach.

The focused-enforcement campaign, funded by federal grant monies through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, started Monday, January 30 and runs through February 12.

To make an appointment to have a child safety seat checked, please contact the Salem Police Traffic Team at 503-588-6293.

Learn more about the work done by the Salem Police Traffic Team in 2022.

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