Marion & Polk Counties Receive Funds from the Bureau of Land Management in Secure Rural Schools Payments

Posted on April 18, 2023

An additional $2.3 million also available for cooperative projects

PORTLAND, Ore. – The Bureau of Land Management announces that it has distributed more than $25.6 million in payments to 18 western Oregon counties under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act. The payments are made based on a formula set by Congress using a combination of timber harvest revenue and appropriated funds.

The payments are distributed directly to the counties to support local services including emergency response and education. Marion county will receive $372,333.71 and Polk County $650,206.80.

Under the Oregon and California Revested Lands Sustained Yield Management Act of 1937, each county receives a payment based on the amount of Oregon and California Revested Lands in that county. The BLM manages these multiple-use forests for sustainable timber harvests. These forests are also home to valuable fish and wildlife habitat, world-class recreational opportunities, cultural and historic resources, and wild and scenic rivers.

“We’re committed to creating healthy, resilient forests and supporting strong, vibrant communities,” said BLM Oregon/Washington State Director Barry Bushue. “Our multiple-use and sustained yield mission provides family-wage jobs for our neighbors, and the funds we receive from timber harvests help support critical services like education and public safety.”

In addition to the $25.6 million payments, roughly $2.3 million will also be available for cooperative projects designated under the Secure Rural Schools Act. Authorized by the Western Oregon Resource Advisory Committee, these are projects meant to improve the health of public lands, and can include wildfire hazard reduction, stream and watershed restoration, forest road maintenance, road decommissioning or obliteration, control of noxious weeds, improvement of fish and wildlife habitat, and opportunities for youth training and employment.

Additional information about the Western Oregon Resource Advisory Committee is available at:

Total Secure Rural Schools Funding by County:

County Payment
Benton  $        659,989.19
Clackamas  $        791,885.37
Columbia  $        518,257.14
Coos  $     1,609,990.91
Curry  $        947,609.38
Douglas  $     7,428,865.69
Jackson  $     3,674,517.98
Josephine  $     3,063,519.75
Klamath  $        757,857.27
Lane  $     3,740,454.86
Lincoln  $          98,810.21
Linn  $        732,501.61
Marion  $        372,333.71
Multnomah  $        158,538.88
Polk  $        650,206.80
Tillamook  $        176,863.61
Washington  $          84,784.33
Yamhill  $        169,698.12



The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.


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