Employer’s Paid Leave Oregon Contributions Due May 1

Posted on April 26, 2023

Employers – Don’t forget to include Paid Leave Oregon in your combined payroll report

SALEM – More than 150,000 Oregon employers are filing their quarterly combined payroll reports due May 1.  This is the first time employers will include Paid Leave Oregon contributions.

Almost all employers and employees in Oregon are covered by and must contribute to the Paid Leave Oregon trust fund. The only exceptions are Tribal governments and federal employees. Small employers do not contribute the employer portion, but must still collect and submit employee contributions.

If employers are reporting subject wages for Unemployment Insurance, then they need to report for Paid Leave Oregon as well. Even reimbursing employers who do not pay taxes for Unemployment Insurance are responsible for paying paid leave contributions.

We want employers, both large and small, to know we are here to help if they have last minute questions or concerns.

  • We are offering an open house at noon Thursday, April 27, when employers can drop in and ask questions. Experts from the Oregon Employment Department will provide answers in real time about how to use Frances Online to file combined payroll for both Paid Leave Oregon and the Unemployment Insurance Program.
    Registration is online.
  • Employers can call 503-947-1488 with contributions questions.
  • Resources for filing using Frances Online, including video demonstrations, FAQS,
    and guides are found online. A video showing how to file in Frances Online, Oregon Employment Department’s online portal, is also online.

Paid Leave Oregon allows employees to take paid time off for some of life’s most important moments. It covers leave for the birth or adoption of a child, for serious illness or injury, for taking care of a seriously ill family member, and for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking or harassment. Contributions to the program by large employers and all employees, regardless of employer size, started January 1. Benefits will be available to employees in September 2023.


The Oregon Employment Department (OED) is an equal opportunity agency. OED provides free help so you can use our services. Some examples are sign language and spoken-language interpreters, written materials in other languages, large print, audio, and other formats. To get help, please call 503-947-1444. TTY users call 711. You can also send an email to communications@employ.oregon.gov.

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