Chemeketa Community College’s Bolt Program is Back!

Posted on May 3, 2023

May 2, 2022, Salem, Oregon, The popular BOLT program that debuted in 2020 is being offered again to help college-bound high-schoolers make a smooth transition to higher education.

Chemeketa’s Bolt program is back! Bolt first launched in spring 2020 to engage high school seniors that graduated early as a result of the pandemic. This year, the program is back for the summer term and will support 2023 high school graduates and upcoming seniors in Chemeketa’s service district. Homeschooled students that are 2023 graduates or upcoming seniors are also eligible to participate. The Bolt Summer Program classes will be 5-week intensive courses that will start June 26th and go through July 29th. Classes will be offered in a variety of forms from in person on the Salem campus, online and remote.

High school students who are interested in this free summer opportunity are encouraged to visit and complete the appropriate admissions application and placement assessment process. For more information, contact Chemeketa’s College Credit Now office at 503.399.5239 or send an email to The program has space for 450 students.


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