Riverfront Carousel to be Renamed for Hazel Patton

Posted on May 30, 2023

On Saturday, June 3, noon, the Salem Riverfront Carousel will be renamed and dedicated to its founder ,Hazel Patton. The occasion will celebrate the woman who planted the Carousel seeds and the 22nd anniversary of its opening.

Please join in the party. It will be the unveiling of new marquee signs for all three sides of the Carousel building. The event will also jumpstart a campaign to fund Hazel’s final dream for the Carousel: the construction of the Carousel Stables Annex, where the public will be able to watch artisans hand carve and paint new additions to the Carousel family.

Throughout Hazel’s long history of civic engagement, she has given unselfishly. She has watched and applauded as homages to Tom McCall, Peter Courtney and Gerry Frank have been erected in Riverfront Park to recognize their contributions.

On Saturday, Hazel’s name will be added to the list of others who have contributed their time, talent, and treasure to improve the quality of life in Salem. The Carousel will be a landmark and a focal point for generations to come. It is fitting to have Hazel Patton’s name placed on the Carousel building.

Also, if you would like to help Hazel realize her dream to add the Stables Annex as the Carousel’s finishing touch, you can make a donation online at salemcarousel.wixsite.com/salemcarousel/generalcontributions. Or mail your tax-deductible donation to Salem’s Riverfront Carousel, 101 Front Street NE, Salem, OR 97301 and note it is for the “Stables Annex Campaign” on your check.


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