Madrona Avenue at Commercial Street SE in Salem Closed June 10 and 11

Posted on June 6, 2023

Salem, Ore. — Drivers in south Salem should be aware of road closure on Madrona Avenue SE, west of Commercial Street SE to Neef Avenue SE on June 10 and 11, 2023.

Beginning at 7 a.m., Saturday, June 10, traffic will be detoured from Madrona Avenue SE to Ratcliff Drive SE or Salem Heights Avenue SE. Local access to residents near Hillview Drive SE and Neef Avenue SE will be allowed. Local business access will only be available from the Commercial Street SE entrance.

The closure will allow contractors to complete a full street mill and paving project on Madrona Ave SE. Flaggers will be on site to help direct traffic around the impacted area. Please be cautious while driving in the area and obey all temporary traffic signs.

You can find more information on current road construction projects within the City of Salem on our website.

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