Volunteer Opportunity: Marion County Fair

Posted on June 14, 2023

Marion County – 06/14/23 9:59 AM

Salem, OR – Marion County is seeking volunteers for the Marion County Fair. The fair runs July 6-9, 2023 in Salem, and will showcase our local 4H and FFA programs, interactive attractions for fairgoers of all ages, public competitions, great food, music, carnival rides and more. Volunteers are a huge part of the fair’s success, assisting fair visitors, helping with public competitions, assisting at special events, and more.

Are you friendly, welcoming, and able to communicate with visitors from many different backgrounds? Consider joining us as a volunteer at this year’s fair. Individuals and groups are welcome.

Visit the link below to view and sign up for specific volunteer roles, dates, and times. Fair volunteers receive a volunteer t-shirt, admission to the fair for the day they volunteer, and another ticket to share or to use on another day.

Volunteer registration:  https://bit.ly/MCFair2023

Event Details:      Marion County Fair – Made in Marion
Oregon State Fairgrounds, 2330 17th Street NE, Salem, Oregon
Thursday, July 6th, 10:00am – 10:00pm
Friday, July 7th, 10:00am – 11:00pm
Saturday, July 8th, 10:00am – 11:00pm
Sunday, July 9th, 10:00am – 6:00pm

Visit http://marioncountyfair.net/ for more information on this year’s fair. If you visit the fair website, you can also find a “volunteer” link on the landing page. For additional information, to register a volunteer group, or if you have specific questions about volunteering at this year’s fair email FairVolunteers@co.marion.or.us .

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