Safer Street Improvements Coming to Broadway Street NE in Salem

Posted on June 15, 2023

City of Salem – 06/15/23 9:00 AM

Salem, Ore. — Drivers in northeast Salem should be aware of road construction coming to Broadway Street NE, from Pine Street NE to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway beginning June 19th and continuing for six months.

Construction will include converting Broadway Street NE from the existing 4-lane street (two lanes in each direction) to a 3-lane street with one lane in each direction, a continuous center turn lane, and bike lanes in each direction. Improvements will also include a new traffic signal, ADA curb ramp upgrades, new trees and pavement rehabilitation at Broadway and Pine Street intersection.

During construction, left turns will be allowed when traveling east and west on Pine Street NE and turning onto Broadway Street NE. Left turns will not be allowed when traveling north and south on Broadway Street NE to Pine Street NE to reduce traffic backing up. Make sure to watch all temporary traffic signs and reduce your speed as you travel through the area. Most construction activities will take place between 7 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. with select activities occurring in the overnight hours to reduce traffic congestion in the area.

You can find more information on current road construction projects within the City of Salem on our website.


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