Oregon State Fire Marshal Launches a One-Stop Website to Educate about Defensible Space

Posted on June 20, 2023

SALEM, Ore. – To better prepare Oregonians for wildfire and give them resources to help create defensible space, the Oregon State Fire Marshal (OSFM) has launched a new defensible space educational tool. The Oregon Defensible Space Program offers Oregon-specific wildfire preparedness best practices, resources for download, and an in-person defensible space property assessment request portal. Creating defensible space is something everyone can do to reduce the wildfire risk to their home or business from wildfire. This website provides a one-stop shop for Oregonians with information and other resources they need to protect their homes and neighborhoods.

Whether people want to connect with local programs, gain insight into maintaining defensible space, or begin a defensible space plan,  Oregonians can find resources on Oregon Defensible Space (https://oregondefensiblespace.org/). Defensible space can prevent ember ignition of your home and stop wildfire flames from reaching your home. Defensible space also creates a safer space for firefighters to work while battling a wildfire and protecting your home. Remember to keep your defensible space well-maintained, dry grass cut low, and your roof clear of leaves or needles.

To support Oregonians with tailored recommendations, visit this new website to request a defensible space assessment of your home. These free one-on-one property walkthroughs will provide homeowners/renters with voluntary recommendations to create improvements and follow best practices for their homes. When you request an assessment, a member of your local fire agency or a deputy state fire marshal from the OSFM will schedule a time to assess your property and recommend defensible space action items.

“We invite each person in Oregon to help reduce their risk from wildfire by creating defensible space,” Assistant Chief Deputy State Fire Marshal Chad Hawkins said. “You are the state’s greatest resource in protecting homes, neighborhoods, and firefighters.”

The OSFM’s defensible space program was created in 2021 through Senate Bill 762, Oregon’s wildfire omnibus bill. The law instituted wildfire prevention, community risk reduction, and proactive emergency response tools for the OSFM. Preparing homes and communities for wildfire impact creates resiliency and fire adapted communities. A fire adapted community acknowledges its wildfire risk and takes action to improve safety for homes, neighborhoods, businesses and infrastructure, forests, parks, and open spaces.

To explore the Oregon Defensible Space Program and learn how to prepare your home and property, visit https://oregondefensiblespace.org.

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