Full Oregon Health Plan Benefits Now Open to More Adults as of July 1, Regardless of Immigration Status

Posted on July 7, 2023

(Salem – July 5, 2023) Starting July 1, Oregon Health Plan (OHP) coverage is available to all children and adults who meet income and other eligibility criteria, regardless of immigration status.

The change initially applies to approximately 40,000 members ages 26-54 who moved automatically from emergency coverage – Citizenship Waived Medical (CWM) – to full OHP benefits July 1. But, beginning July 1, all people who meet income and other eligibility criteria, regardless of immigration status, can enroll.

State health officials are notifying CWM members of their changes in coverage. CWM members currently enrolled through the Marketplace (HealthCare.gov) need to report their new full OHP benefits to the Marketplace after they receive their eligibility notice.

This expansion in health coverage follows the Legislature’s recent appropriation to fund the full implementation of Healthier Oregon. In 2022, Healthier Oregon made full Oregon Health Plan (OHP) coverage available to adults ages 19-25 and 55 and older, no matter their immigration status. Funding for the state’s 2023-2025 biennial budget expanded coverage to all ages.

“When it comes to health, we’re all connected,” said Dave Baden, interim director of Oregon Health Authority. “Expanded health coverage through the full implementation of Healthier Oregon will keep more people and families healthy, which will reduce health costs and risks for every community. Governor Kotek and the Legislature have demonstrated a commitment to health and health equity that sets a new standard for other states.”

Full OHP coverage includes: Medical, dental and mental health care; prescriptions and tests; X-rays and hospital care; transportation to and from health care appointments.

People experiencing disabilities or 65 and over may also qualify for other services and supports, which may include: case management services and services to support independent living, such as help with eating, bathing, and traveling within their community.

Healthier Oregon Program members will also be eligible for enrollment in Oregon’s 16 coordinated care organizations (CCOs). CCOs are networks of all types of health care providers (medical, dental, substance use and mental health care) who contract with the state to serve people who receive health care under OHP.

State health officials pledge to work with CCOs and community partner organizations to reach newly eligible state residents and enroll them in OHP through Healthier Oregon.

You can apply for OHP here, or find someone in your local community to help you apply here. You can also call 800-699-9075 weekdays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Help is available in many languages. All relay calls accepted. It is better to call earlier in the day.

Additionally, a list of local offices to find OHP benefits such as medical, food, cash or childcare can be found here, or call 800-699-9075.


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