BLOCK 50 Downtown Salem Redevelopment Opportunity

Posted on July 17, 2023

Salem, Ore. – The City of Salem is seeking a redevelopment partner for a premier development opportunity in downtown Salem. BLOCK 50 is one of the largest remaining undeveloped downtown properties. The property is three lots bounded by Front St., Commercial St., Chemeketa St. and an ODOT access road. The redevelopment opportunity will ideally include a mix of uses including commercial, retail, and mixed-income housing.

Site Redevelopment Goals

  • Serve as a catalyst and model for the revitalization and redevelopment of key formerly underutilized sites in downtown
  • Serve as a model of mixed-use, mixed income housing development in downtown Salem that takes into consideration its proximity to Downtown Historic District, Riverfront Park and Capitol
  • Support bicycle and pedestrian connections
  • Benefit local businesses, residents, and local economy
  • Provide new mixed-income housing development which includes a minimum of 20% of the units be affordable at an average of 80% Median Family Income
  • Incorporate green building practices
  • Provide permanent job opportunities
  • Support MBE, WBE, and local businesses
  • Incorporate public open space

Those interested in working with the Urban Development Department of the City of Salem, must submit required documents no later than August 31, 2023.

Documents can be submitted online or by mail or dropped off at the Urban Development Department, 350 Commercial St. NE, Salem, Ore. 97301.

Based on the completeness of the information provided, and alignment with redevelopment goals/vision for the sites, selected teams will be invited to an in-person meeting to share in greater detail their visions and experience in executing their vision for the site and opportunity to ask questions. Property disposition will be through a Disposition and Development Agreement.

Additional information about the Block 50 project is available at or by calling 503-540-2495.

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