Join the Marion Resourcers Movement from Marion County Environmental Services

Posted on August 7, 2023

Marion County – 08/07/23 1:37 PM

SALEM, OR – Marion County Environmental Services launched the new Marion Resourcers Movement program on August 1, 2023. The volunteer training program provides free classes for community members to learn about the integrated waste management system in Marion County, from recycling rules and the waste disposal process to tips for reducing waste personally and within the community.

This program takes the place of the legacy Master Recyclers program, which was started in Marion County in 1994. The new program continues to teach participants about recycling in Marion County, but it now expands the program to include new topics like community building, presentations from local sustainable businesses, food waste prevention, repair, field trips to tour disposal locations, and more.

“We are excited to empower the next generation of sustainability leaders in Marion County,” said Dakota Tangredi, Waste Reduction and Volunteer Program Coordinator for Marion County. “We are looking for leaders that meet the moment and help improve our environment while serving as a resourcer in their community.”

Participants attend weekly classes during the six-week course, where time is spent listening to experts, networking with other volunteers, and planning for future volunteer activities.

Once participants complete the course, they join a network of volunteers that serve the community at repair fairs, community swaps, information booths at community events, and a variety of other volunteer opportunities. These knowledgeable volunteers can even be requested by the public to offer waste reduction outreach at no cost.

“I am excited to join a volunteer group that helps the environment while getting out in the community,” said Richard Craig, a Marion Resourcer from the initial course. “I look forward to seeing this program grow and connecting with other people in Marion County who are looking for new opportunities to get involved.”

Marion Resourcer Movement classes take place twice a year, in the fall and spring. The next class will take place in Woodburn, Oregon. For more information on the course and volunteer community, check out the new program website.

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