City of Salem – 08/11/23 11:00 AM
With high temperatures and increased winds forecasted beginning on Sunday August 13, 2023 the City of Salem is issuing a burn ban on all burning until further notice. All outdoor burning, including ceremonial and recreational fires, will be prohibited within the City of Salem. This ban is based on weather conditions and community safety and will be re-evaluated once temperatures begin to decrease.
Cooking with propane grills is allowed during the ban, but always remember to follow safe grilling practices.
The Burn Ban affects the following open burning situations:
1. Agricultural burning
2. Land clearing or slash burning
3. Recreational fires, including:
a. Backyard fire pits.
b. Outdoor fireplaces and portable fireplaces.
4. Ceremonial Fires
Individuals found to be in violation of these requirements during the burn ban may be held liable for the cost of extinguishment and for any property damage resulting from an illegal fire.