Follow-up Ludwigia Treatment Begins September 5th

Posted on September 1, 2023

City of Salem – 08/31/23 1:30 PM

  • This is the last year of a four-year partnership with Willamette Riverkeeper to reduce the invasive Ludwigia in Willamette Slough.
  • Also called Uruguayan water primrose, Ludwigia forms dense mats that hurt both wildlife and recreation. 
  • Steer clear of the slough while treatment is in progress and for 24 hours after the last scheduled treatment day to protect against possible exposure. Treated plants will show signs of blue-green dye.

Salem, Ore. — Willamette Slough will see a follow-up treatment to remove invasive Ludwigia. Treatment is set for Tuesday, September 5, through Friday, September 8. Willamette Riverkeeper representatives will be providing outreach on the subject at Riverfront Park on September 5, while the work is visible from the park.

Ludwigia forms dense mats in slow-moving backwater channels, oxbow lakes, and sloughs. While this yellow-flowered plant may appear quite pretty, it has the potential to choke entire waterways, severely restricting recreational access, degrading water quality, and creating an environment that is unfriendly to native fish and wildlife.

Groups up and down the Willamette River have been working to stop the spread of this highly invasive plant.

Learn more about Ludwigia Treatments in the Willamette Slough.

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