Juvenile Shoots and Polk County Deputy after Persuit

Posted on September 10, 2023

Polk Co. Sheriff’s Office – 09/10/23 12:22 PM

On Saturday, September 9, 2023 at approximately 7:48 pm, a deputy with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office attempted to conduct a traffic stop on a 2012 Honda Fit in Rickreall, OR. The mentioned vehicle had been reported as stolen in Salem earlier in the day.  The driver fled in the vehicle heading south on Highway 99.

The Deputy followed the vehicle into Independence and onto Monmouth Street headed east towards Main Street.  After turning north on Main Street the vehicle entered the Riverview Park in Independence and the driver eventually left the roadway traveling on sidewalks and through landscaping.  As the driver was attempting to elude law enforcement by traveling off-road, they eventually ran out of room and collided with a parked vehicle on C Street bordering the park.  After crashing into the parked vehicle, five occupants exited the eluding vehicle and fled on foot.

Deputies pursued the subjects on foot and quickly secured three of the five subjects, all of which were juveniles. One of the subjects was detained with the help of a citizen who had seen the incident unfolding.

As a deputy continued after a forth passenger who was running down the walking path near the dog park to the north, a juvenile male fired a gun at the pursuing deputy. Fortunately, the round missed the deputy. A perimeter was immediately set up to contain the suspect and additional units were called to the scene.

A well-coordinated and methodical search of the area by responding units lead to the quick capture of the juvenile male responsible for firing the shot at the deputy, without further incident.  The fifth subject was never located and is also believed to be a juvenile.  The subject that was not located is not wanted for any criminal charges and is not considered a threat to public safety at this time.  During this incident, no one was injured and it ended with minor damage to the parked vehicle.

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the Salem Police Department, Dallas Police Department, Independence Police Department, Monmouth Police Department, Benton County Sheriff’s Office and the Oregon State Police for their help in bringing this incident to a peaceful ending.





17 year old male driver was arrested and lodged at the Marion County Juvenile Facility on the following charges:

Possession of a Stolen Vehicle


Reckless Driving

Attempting to Elude Vehicle/Foot

Hit and Run X2



Juvenile male passenger, unknown age (is not cooperative) at this time was lodged at the Yamhill County Juvenile Corrections Facility on the following charges:

Attempt Murder (Of a Police Officer)

Unlawful Use of a Firearm

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