City of Salem Residents to Receive 35 Percent Discount on Flood Insurance Premiums

Posted on October 30, 2023

City of Salem – 10/30/23 1:00 PM

  • Salem’s CRS Rating was increased from a Class 4 to a Class 3 rating.
  • The Class 3 rating is among the top 1% of more than 1700 cities in the U.S.
  • Salem’s 5-year Floodplain Management Plan is being updated and available for public review beginning November 15.

Salem, Ore. — Salem residents continue to benefit from increases in the Community Rating System (CRS). By achieving the rare Class 3 designation, residents in Salem will soon receive a 35% discount on most federally supported flood insurance premiums.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency created the voluntary Community Rating System (CRS) program to recognize local efforts to reduce flood risk and reward communities, residents, and businesses by saving them money on flood insurance premiums.

In 2023, the Federal Emergency Management Agency upgraded Salem from Class 4 to Class 3 in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) CRS program. The discount applies to NFIP policies issued or renewed on or after April 1, 2024, for properties in a Special Flood Hazard Area — more commonly known as the floodplain.  Unprecedented for any Oregon community, Salem is now ranked among the top one percent of over 1740 communities nationwide participating in the federal Community Rating System program.

Salem originally joined the CRS in 2008 and has continued to upgrade its rating through improvements to its floodplain management program. Some of the floodplain management and damage mitigation activities undertaken by the City include providing one-on-one advice to residents regarding property protection, implementing higher regulatory standards, maintaining open space, managing stormwater runoff, and developing a flood warning and response program. Residents who would like to see floodplain management-related documents can find them on the City’s website: Additional information about flood insurance can be found on the Federal Emergency Management Agency website

Residents are encouraged to contact a local insurance agent to discuss federally established flood insurance programs and ask about the 35 percent discount available to Salem residents.

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