Salem City Council Discusses Revenue Task Force November 27

Posted on November 26, 2023

Salem City Council will discuss plans and funding for a revenue task force at its regular November 27 meeting. Meetings, including Salem Housing Authority, Salem Urban Renewal Agency and Council begin at 6 p.m.

Stream the meeting live or later in English or American Sign Language.

Stream the meeting in Spanish.

Other Council business includes:

  • Public hearing: exemption from competitive bidding on Willow Lake Water Pollution Control Facility north primary anaerobic digesters No. 1 and No. 2
  • Public hearing: Transportation System Plan Amendment relating to Colorado Drive NW and Landaggard Drive NW
  • Fee changes: Climate mitigation in the Planning Division and parking fees at Salem Municipal Airport
  • Update: Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan
  • Purchase and sale agreement: East Park, LLC for acquisition of 6.63 acres for future park property
  • Purchase and sale agreement: Beckwith Family Trust for acquisition of propertly related to the Shelton Ditch Improvement Project

To comment online via Zoom during the meeting, please sign up between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. To give remarks in person at the Salem City Council Chambers, sign up just before the meetings using the lists available at the Chambers entrance.

If you need a translator to help you with comments, please contact us at 503-763-3459 or at least two business days before the meeting. Translation of the meeting into other languages can also be requested.

The next regularly scheduled City Council meeting will be Monday, December 4.

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