37th Annual Salem Police Toy Drive & Salem Fire Station’s Toy Collection

Posted on November 27, 2023

The Salem Police Department is busy preparing for the annual Salem Police Toy Drive. Each year, officers and staff work alongside community members to help make a memorable Christmas for children in Salem.

Donations of new, unwrapped toys for children up to the age of 14 years are needed. Wrapping paper donations are also accepted.

Donations can be dropped off at the Salem Police Station at 333 Division ST NE or one of the locations listed below.

Donation Sites

  • Cycle Country, 4764 Portland RD NE
  • Elite Chiropractic & Injury Rehab, 2150 Commercial ST SE, Suite 10
  • Green Acres Landscape, 5711 Gaffin RD SE
  • Physiq Fitness (all locations)
  • Salem Electric, 633 7th ST NW
  • White Oak Construction, 2455 River RD S

Donations will be accepted at the donation sites through December 13. If you wish to donate after that date, please bring your gifts directly to the Salem Police Station.

Fire Station’s Toy Collection
Salem fire stations start collecting toys Friday, November 24, for their annual toy drive! Drop new, unwrapped toys in the collection box at your nearest fire station. Toys can also be donated at the Salem Professional Firefighters Local 314 one-day event on Saturday, December 16, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the South Salem Fred Meyer. Salvation Army and other locations will benefit.
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