K9 “Koda” Becomes the Newest Member of the Keizer Police Department.

Posted on February 14, 2024

Through vision and collaboration from former and current employees, City Councilor Shaney Starr, Chief Andrew Copeland, and Lt. Chris Nelson, we welcome our first comfort K9.  Koda is a two-year-old female boxer graciously donated to the department by the Northwest Boxer Rescue.

Lt. Nelson will be assigned as Koda’s handler and will usually be at the PD Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.  She will spend her off duty time with Lt. Nelson at his residence.  You will likely see her roaming the hallways to comfort officers, meet with crime victims, and attend outreach events like Coffee with a Cop, Blast Camp, school-age department tours, etc.

Please join us February 20th at 7pm as Koda will be sworn in at the Keizer City Council meeting.

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