Division of Financial Regulation Publishes Oregon Investor Guide, other educational resources for the public

Posted on February 21, 2024

Other educational resources for the public are available, too.

Salem – Deciding how and where to invest your money can be a difficult and overwhelming decision. The Oregon Division of Financial Regulation (DFR) now has resources available to help.

The division recently published the Oregon Investor Guide, a free publication that is available both in print and online. DFR created this guide to take the mystery out of investing and provide a useful resource for new and experienced investors alike. The contents are accurate, unbiased, and simply stated to make investing concepts easy to understand, and to help you make the best investment decisions possible. Whether you invest on your own or entrust your investments with a professional, education is the best defense against fraud and making uninformed decisions.

This publication is part of the division’s efforts to update consumer education resources available to the public. The division’s website now features the following new guides:

“This investor guide, along with other updated materials, gives us a good library of resources in areas where the public tells us they are needed most,” said TK Keen, DFR administrator. “Some of these guides help specific communities at specific times in their lives. There are challenges newlyweds face when they are combining finances and military personnel have unique money management situations. We can help Oregonians at different points in their lives, whether it’s providing guidance on repaying student loans, making health insurance choices, or beginning new employment. We are excited about these new resources.”

You can view all of DFR’s publications on its consumer education and engagement page.

To obtain print copies of any of the division’s consumer guides, email your request to each.dfr@dcbs.oregon.gov“>outreach.dfr@dcbs.oregon.gov. Paper copies will also be available at all tabling events and presentations the consumer education and engagement team attend.


About Oregon DFR: The Division of Financial Regulation is part of the Department of Consumer and Business Services, Oregon’s largest business regulatory and consumer protection agency. Visit dfr.oregon.gov and  www.dcbs.oregon.gov.​​

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