Salem Mayor Hoy Convenes Community Conversation on Violence Reduction

Posted on February 25, 2024

Salem, Ore. — Salem Mayor Chris Hoy, a retired undersheriff with thirty years of experience in law enforcement, has partnered with Salem Police Chief Trevor Womack to launch the Community Violence Reduction Initiative (CVRI) to address the rise in violent crime in Salem.

“We need to come together to address this growing problem,” Hoy said. “It will take a united community effort to develop meaningful prevention and response strategies.”

The rise in shootings in Salem and the longer-term upward trend of violent crime are issues that have impacted the entire city. For Salem police officers and staff, there is no higher priority than the protection of life and physical safety within our community.

This is the first of several conversations that will take place this year to build strong partnerships with community leaders, organizations, and residents to understand why we are experiencing community violence and what we can do to address it.

CVRI Kick-Off Meeting Goals

  • Develop a broad base of understanding and knowledge about violence in our city.
  • Learn about what Salem Police and the City of Salem are doing to address this issue.
  • Gain support in creating and implementing an intervention strategy.


Community Violence Reduction Initiative (CVRI)

Community Conversation

Wednesday, March 6

6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

East Salem Community Center

1850 45th Ave NE

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