Salem Selects Development Partners for Downtown BLOCK 50 Project

Posted on February 25, 2024

City to Partner with Edlen & Co. and deChase Miksis

Salem, Ore. – Salem has chosen development team partners Edlen & Co. and deChase Miksis for the redevelopment of a premier property located in downtown Salem. Coined as BLOCK 50, the block is one of the largest remaining undeveloped properties in downtown Salem. The property includes three lots bounded by Front St., Commercial St., Chemeketa St. and an ODOT access road.

“Developing BLOCK 50 is a milestone for our downtown revitalization. It’s an exciting project that I hope sparks even more development in the future. We are working tirelessly to support housing and economic development in this city, it’s great to see it pay off,” said Salem Mayor Chris Hoy.

The concept for the site is a mixed-use development that includes two phases of blended market rate and affordable multi-family housing with retail and public space. Edlen & Co and deChase Miksis have a long history of joint venture mixed-use development in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Their team brings decades of urban mixed-use development and operating experience and a long track record of successfully completing public-private partnerships.

“This is a key site within the Riverfront-Downtown Urban Renewal Area and the acquisition, site preparation, and redevelopment of the property has been a goal of the Downtown Advisory Board for nearly a decade. It’s both exciting and rewarding to see their vision move from concept to reality, and for our urban renewal program to bring new life and opportunity to this area,” said Kristin Retherford, Salem Community Planning and Development Director.

Redevelopment goals for the site include serving as a catalyst and model for the revitalization and redevelopment of underutilized sites in downtown and as a model of mixed-use, mixed income housing development in downtown Salem that includes public open space and takes into consideration site proximity to the Downtown Historic District, Riverfront Park, and the Capitol.

Between 2019 and 2021, the Salem Urban Renewal Agency used tax increment funds (TIF) to purchase underutilized buildings formerly owned by the Union Gospel Mission of Salem, Saffron Building Supply, and ABC Music. In 2023, the buildings were demolished in accordance with historic and archaeological requirements. The City of Salem issued a request for letters of interest in August of 2023 and the Edlen & Co. deChase Miksis team was selected based on alignment with redevelopment goals/vision for the sites.

Additional information about the Block 50 project is available at or by calling 503-540-2495.

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