Early Morning House Fire Displaces Four in Rural Silverton

Posted on March 24, 2024

At 3:34 am today Silverton Fire District responded to a residential structure fire at 16829 Abiqua Road NE Silverton. The caller reported hearing a popping noise, smelling smoke and immediately alerted the other occupants to evacuate.  A Silverton Fire District Battalion Chief, while enroute, observed a glow in the sky and requested an upgrade to a 2nd alarm. This ensured adequate resources would be dispatched to the fire, including additional water tenders that needed to shuttle water to the scene due to the lack of fire hydrants in the rural area. A long driveway lay of large diameter supply 5” hose was deployed almost 1000 feet long  with a fire engine at the main highway pumping to supply water up the hill to the fire scene. This engine was supplied by 12 water tenders shuttling water from several fill sites in the area.

The first arriving units encountered a large 2-story home that had smoke and flames coming through the west side of the roof.  A third alarm was called for at 4:38 am to bring additional water tenders.

As soon as firefighters arrived, they began an aggressive fire attack,  checking for fire extension  and performing  primary search for victims on all floors.

While battling the fire, crews determined that the lightweight truss construction had been compromised by the fire and was unsafe for crews to be inside.  The incident commander ordered all crews to exit the structure prior to the roof and floor structures becoming unstable and transition to fighting the fire from the outside.

Unfortunately, the home and its contents were destroyed.  Thankfully, the residents were able to evacuate on their own and were not injured.   The occupants of the home are being assisted by the Red Cross with temporary housing needs.

One firefighter was taken to Silverton Hospital Emergency Department for evaluation of an injury and has since been released.

Fire crews were on scene for almost 10 hours and the cause of the fire is currently unknown and under investigation at this time.

Several partner agencies assisted Silverton Fire District including Mt. Angel, Monitor, Marion County, Drakes Crossing, Woodburn, Aurora, Hubbard, Molalla, Fire Districts, Woodburn Ambulance Company, METCOM 911, Red Cross and PGE.

Units on scene:

4 chief officers, 7 engines, 12 water tenders, 2 support service units, 43 Silverton Fire personnel assisted by numerous partner agency personnel.

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