State Fire Marshal Give Fire District 1 New Pumper

Posted on April 9, 2024

SALEM, Ore. – Marion County Fire District No. 1 Fire Chief Kyle McMann announced today the receipt of a fire engine from the Oregon State Fire Marshal (OSFM). The fire engine is part of the State Fire Marshal’s Response Ready Oregon Initiative. On Wednesday April 3, the engine was picked up in Salem by Chief McMann & his staff, marking a significant milestone in the Fire District’s mission to enhance community resilience and preparedness. According to Chief McMann “I am happy to announce this fire engine will be stationed at the Four Corners firehouse and is designed to boost capacity and modernize equipment within the Fire District. Moreover, the engine will aid the Oregon Fire Mutual Aid System as the state deals with wildfires.

Fire District No. 1 responded to a record 11,041 emergency incidents last year of which 135 were fires. The receipt of this type 3 engine represents a collaborative effort between the Oregon State Fire Marshal and Fire District 1, highlighting the commitment to strengthening local and statewide fire response networks. The engine will serve as a vital resource in ensuring swift and effective emergency assistance to Marion County and communities across the state.

“Today is a very exciting day for Marion County Fire District No. 1 and we are grateful to the Oregon State Fire Marshal for selecting our organization to receive this brand new fire engine which will serve to protect thousands of at risk properties and vulnerable populations”, said Chief McMann.

The Oregon State Fire Marshal’s office has worked diligently over the last few years to enhance fire protection after the devastating wildfires on Labor Day Weekend in 2020.

In total, the OSFM has purchased 76 apparatus which are set to be delivered through 2024. 26 type 3 engines, 20 type 6 engines, and 30 water tenders were purchased. The $25 million program was made possible through Senate Bill 762, Oregon’s wildfire omnibus bill, which was signed into law in 2021.

The OSFM previously announced the awarded agencies. The list, a map of awardees, and other information can be found on the agency’s engine program webpage.

As the engines and water tenders are built, they are delivered to the OSFM’s Salem headquarters where the local fire agency awarded the apparatus are able to inspect and pick up the apparatus.

The OSFM’s Response Ready Oregon initiative was created to boost capacity and modernize wildfire response within the Oregon Fire Mutual Aid System (OFMAS). The goal of Response Ready Oregon is to attack fires while they are small and keep them away from communities, helping to prevent huge costly wildfires.

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