Oregon Utilities Promote Wildfire Awareness: Get Ready for Fire Season by Preparing Now and Staying Informed

Posted on May 1, 2024

Portland, Ore. – In recognition of National Wildfire Awareness Month, which kicks off today, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC), Portland General Electric, Pacific Power and Idaho Power encourage Oregonians to prepare for wildfire season. Everyone has a part to play this summer in keeping our communities safe.

PGE, Pacific Power and Idaho Power invest year-round in methods to reduce wildfire risk and prepare their electric grids to deliver safe, reliable power. They partner with tribes and federal, state and local agencies to plan and prepare for the upcoming wildfire season. The state of Oregon requires investor-owned utilities to submit annual plans that provide a comprehensive overview of each utility’s strategies for mitigating wildfire risk and keeping customers and communities safe. The PUC is reviewing 2024 wildfire mitigation plans.

“In Oregon, everyone plays a role in keeping communities safe from wildfire. The Oregon Public Utility Commission invests significant effort in auditing all utilities’ tree trimming statewide and focuses on how utilities are changing their operations and equipment to increase the safety and resiliency of their services,” said Commissioner Letha Tawney. “Likewise, every resident has a vital part in reducing and preparing for the changing risk of extreme wildfires in their community. Customers should particularly prepare for Public Safety Power Shutoffs during extreme weather. Together, we can safeguard Oregon and its residents.”

Resources to help every Oregonian get ready for wildfire season are available at wildfire.oregon.gov, where they can find tips on everything from staying informed about wildfire and wildfire-related outages to making a plan for evacuations to establishing defensible spaces that help slow the spread of wildfire.

PGE, Pacific Power and Idaho Power also share these additional tips on ways to stay safe and be prepared this fire season.

Have a plan

  • Consider relocating with a friend, family member or shelter, especially if medication or treatment of a medical condition requires electricity.
  • Businesses should communicate their outage-response plans to key employees, plan for workarounds to computers and cash registers and make a plan to bypass electronic door locks.
  • Plan for livestock water needs in case well pumps lose power.
  • Know how to open and close electric garage doors and security gates.
  • Learn how to protect home and business electronics and appliances against data loss and surge damage when power is restored.

Make an outage kit

Prepare your home and businesses by making an outage kit to use in case wildfire leads to a power outage.

  • Be sure to include shelf-stable food, water for people, pets and livestock, medications, flashlights, batteries and solar or car chargers for electric devices. Keep ice packs or frozen water in the freezer to help keep food cold until ice is available.
  • Outage kits should also include flashlights or camp lights for all areas, including restrooms, battery-powered or hand-crank radios for information, battery-powered fans, extra batteries, car chargers for cell phones and electric devices, bottled water and emergency phone numbers.
  • Businesses should prepare to minimize disruption, keep employees safe and protect equipment.

Stay informed

Here are a few steps you can take to make sure you receive up-to-date wildfire information:

  • Contact your electricity provider or log in to your account and make sure all contact information is current so you can receive alerts and messages.
  • If you rely on electricity to store medication or operate medical equipment, enroll in your electric provider’s Medical Certificate Program, if available, to receive proactive communications about outages. Make a backup plan with your doctor and other medical providers.
  • Visit Oregon Alert to find your local alert system. Provide current contact details and sign up for wildfire alerts.

Information, resources and checklists

  • PGE customers can visit portlandgeneral.com/wildfiresafety for information about how PGE works to protect people, property and public spaces, including its 2024 Wildfire Mitigation Plan for information, checklists and additional resources.
  • Pacific Power customers can visit pacificpower.net/wildfiresafety for resources and information including an outage preparation checklist for residential and business customers, an interactive map outlining potential public safety power shutoff areas and the 2024 Wildfire Mitigation Plan.
  • Idaho Power customers can visit idahopower.com/wildfire to learn more about summer outage preparedness and what Idaho Power is doing to protect the grid from wildfires.



About Portland General Electric Company 

Portland General Electric (NYSE: POR) is an integrated energy company that generates, transmits and distributes electricity to over 930,000 customers serving an area of 1.9 million Oregonians. For more than 130 years, Portland General Electric (PGE) has powered social progress, delivering safe, affordable, reliable and increasingly clean electricity while working to transform energy systems to meet evolving customer needs. PGE customers have set the standard for prioritizing clean energy with the No. 1 voluntary renewable energy program in the country. PGE is committed to reducing emissions from its retail power supply by 80% by 2030 and 100% by 2040. PGE is recognized by the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for the company’s commitment to creating a more equal, inclusive workplace. In 2023, PGE employees, retirees and the PGE Foundation donated nearly $4.6 million and volunteered over 23,000 volunteer hours to more than 400 nonprofit organizations. For more information: portlandgeneral.com/news

About Pacific Power

Pacific Power provides safe and reliable electric service to 800,000 customers in Oregon, Washington and California. The company supplies customers with electricity from a diverse portfolio of generating plants including hydroelectric, thermal, wind, geothermal and solar resources. Pacific Power is part of PacifiCorp, one of the lowest-cost electricity producers in the United States, with 2 million customers in six western states. For more information, visit www.pacificpower.net.

About Idaho Power

Idaho Power, headquartered in vibrant and fast-growing Boise, Idaho, has been a locally operated energy company since 1916. Today, it serves a 24,000-square-mile area in Idaho and Oregon. The company’s goal to provide 100% clean energy by 2045 builds on its long history as a clean-energy leader that provides reliable service at affordable prices. With 17 low-cost hydroelectric projects at the core of its diverse energy mix, Idaho Power’s residential, business and agricultural customers pay among the nation’s lowest prices for electricity. Its 2,100 employees proudly serve more than 630,000 customers with a culture of safety first, integrity always and respect for all. IDACORP Inc. (NYSE: IDA), Idaho Power’s independent publicly traded parent company, is also headquartered in Boise, Idaho. To learn more, visit idahopower.com or idacorpinc.com.

About the Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC)
The PUC regulates customer rates and services of the state’s investor-owned electric and natural gas utilities, including Portland General Electric, Idaho Power, Pacific Power, Avista, Cascade Natural, and NW Natural. The PUC also regulates landline telephone providers and select water companies. The PUC’s mission is to ensure Oregonians have access to safe, reliable, and fairly priced utility services that advance state policy and promote the public interest. We use an inclusive process to evaluate differing viewpoints and visions of the public interest and arrive at balanced, well-reasoned, independent decisions supported by fact and law. For more information about the PUC, visit oregon.gov/puc.

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