May 28 Salem City Council Preview

Posted on May 26, 2024
Here are some key issues planned for discussion at the Salem City Council Meeting on Tuesday, May 28, at 6 p.m.. May 28 Salem City Council Agenda

Watch the meeting live on YouTube:
In English and American Sign Language
In Spanish

Opioid Settlement Proposal

Substance use prevention and remediation are the overriding goals of a plan for the use of opioid settlement dollars for Fiscal Year 2025.

Join us Tuesday, May 28, as Council considers key strategies. The meeting starts at 6 p.m. in Civic Center Council Chambers.

Key strategies include:

  1. A Youth, Young Adult and Community Coordinator (formerly Youth Service Coordinator) who will work to prevent substance use by young people, especially the most vulnerable. This position will also work to build awareness with parents, schools and the community.
  2. Naloxone supplies for multiple City departments to help interrupt overdoses.
  3. Special Projects Outreach Coordinators to help substance abuse impacted people experiencing homelessness.
  4. Assorted wellness strategies, training, counseling and equipment in support of first responders.

Gaza Resolution

In response to ongoing community urging to take a stand on violence in Gaza, Council will discuss the Gaza Resolution proposed by the Salem Human Rights Commission and another resolution option drafted by the City Manager that blends the Commission’s work and the work of other cities in Oregon, should the council want to consider alternate language.

If one of these resolutions is adopted, the City of Salem will join more than 100 cities across the country in calling for a ceasefire and expressing urgent concern for the humanitarian crisis arising from the conflict in Gaza.

Revenue Task Force Update

City Council will receive a status update on the work of the Revenue Task Force in identifying revenue sources to support funding of valued city services. Additional Task Force meetings are scheduled June 4 and June 26 before the Task Force presents its final recommendations at the July 15 Salem City Council meeting.

How to participate

To comment online via Zoom during the meeting, please sign up between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.  the day of the meeting. To give remarks in person at the Salem City Council Chambers, sign up just before the meetings using the lists available at the Chambers entrance.

You may also submit comments on City Council, Urban Renewal Agency, or Salem Housing Authority Commission meeting agenda items by email to or you can submit paper copies at the City Recorder’s office at the Civic Center, 555 Liberty St SE, Room 225.

If you need a translator to help you with comments, contact us at 503-763-3459 or at least two business days before the meeting. Translation of the meeting into other languages can also be requested.

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