Dallas Police Department Invites Public to Open House to Weigh in on Proposed Designs for New Station

Posted on September 25, 2024

City of Dallas (Ore) – 09/25/24 8:06 AM

DALLAS, Oregon (September 24, 2024)

The Dallas Police Department is hosting an open house the evening of Wednesday, Oct. 2, and invites members of the public to attend to see proposed plans for the new station and for a tour of the existing department.

The 27-person department has outgrown its current space, which consists of offices in a standalone building next to City Hall as well as offices inside City Hall. In order to work more efficiently and cohesively, the department needs more space in its own, dedicated building.

Currently, the department lacks separate spaces for different functions, such as training or inmate processing. The department needs a larger facility, with separate spaces to process evidence, train officers and provide privacy for victims and family members.

The proposed station will be about 14,000 square feet, with all the necessary spaces for the officers’ essential needs, plus room for the department to grow. The new station will be located at 147 SE Court St., the current site of the Polk County Itemizer-Observer and next to its current facilities.

Members of the public are encouraged to attend the Oct. 2 open house, where they will have the opportunity to talk with police and project staff about the project, see early designs of the new station and tour the current facilities. Project staff will also be asking attendees for their feedback on the designs. Light refreshments will be provided.

What: Dallas Police Station Open House
When: 4-7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 2

  • Existing station tours: 4-6 p.m.
  • Presentation, open house: 6-7 p.m.

Where: Dallas City Hall, 187 SE Court St, Dallas, OR 97338

For those not able to attend in-person, the proposed new station designs and details will be available online from Oct. 2-16 at dallasor.gov/police.


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