Dallas Police Investigate the December 8th Stabbing and Arrest the Aggressor

Posted on December 19, 2024

DALLAS, Oregon (December 19, 2024)

On December 8, 2024, at about 5:40 PM, Dallas PD responded to a domestic disturbance in the 1200 block of SE Holman Avenue. Upon arrival, police contacted several persons in an apartment complex, one of whom had a stab wound to his chest. Dallas Fire/EMS responded and transported the male to Salem ER.

Detectives were called to the scene and, with patrol officers, investigated throughout the night. The male who was stabbed was identified as Seferino Sanchez Gonzalez. He was found to be on post-prison supervision for Assault IV, and was not supposed to have contact with multiple persons in the apartment. Based on evidence collected and witness statements, Sanchez Gonzalez was determined to be the suspect and primary aggressor in the disturbance.

On December 18, 2024, Detectives located Seferino Sanchez Gonzalez at a residence in Marion County. With assistance from the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, he was taken into custody. He was transported to the Polk County Jail and charged with Attempted Assault I, Unlawful Use of a Weapon, Menacing, and on a felony warrant from the Oregon State Parole Board.

Dallas PD was assisted in this investigation by Dallas Fire/EMS, the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, Marion County Parole and Probation, the Keizer Police Department, and Willamette Valley Communications Center.


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