An agreement with Marion County for sidewalk improvements on the south side of State Street will be discussed at the Salem City Council meeting on Monday, January 27. This meeting takes place after the Salem Housing Authority and Salem Urban Renewal Agency meetings, which start at 6 p.m.
You can also stream the meetings live on YouTube.
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The City received a grant from the Oregon Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School Program to build sidewalk improvements on State Street between Oakmont Drive SE and 49th Avenue SE. The construction is planned for 2026 and will connect the East Park development north of State Street to a sidewalk on 49th Avenue SE, south of State Street. Some curb ramp upgrades are in Marion County.
The Council will also review an agreement with the Siletz Tribe about City Services to Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians trust land. As a sovereign nation, the Tribe’s land isn’t subject to City rules and is exempt from property taxes. This agreement ensures the Tribe gets the same services as other City residents, in exchange for payments similar to property taxes.
Council will also hear a report on Public Works Reaccreditation.