Salem, Ore. – Join Salem Mayor Julie Hoy’s State of the City address on Wednesday, March 5, from noon to 1 p.m. at the Salem Convention Center. This year’s event is hosted by the Salem Rotary Club, in cooperation with the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce.
The State of the City is the Mayor’s annual report on the City of Salem’s accomplishments in the past year and goals for the year to come.
Are you interested in attending? Both in-person and virtual viewing options are available for the live event. You can choose to attend in person at the Salem Convention Center or watch the event online. Reservations are required for those planning at attend the event in person. Reserve your tickets online. Doors open at 11:15 a.m.
If you’d rather watch the event online, you can watch live on CC:Media Comcast Cable Channel 21 or on the City of Salem YouTube channel.