For more information on Constitution IQ Project, visit their website.
After 10+ years of being involved in politics, one thing has become painfully evident. We are in a culture war even more so than a political fight. Political parties are vehicles that motivated individuals can use to effect change in our governance. But to get people to vote for your position or party you first have to win over their minds. They need first to believe that how their government is run is NOT right and that change is needed. The pandemic for sure has produced much of this, what is missing is the education about how the government is supposed to work and why.
The Constitutional IQ Project mission statement is “Equipping citizens to be active stewards of their community through civic and constitutional literacy”. This FREE 8 Week Course offers the quick-start guide to the longest-standing Constitution in history, complete with an overview of all the Articles and Amendments. What sets this apart from other U.S. Constitution courses are the interactive, fast-paced presentations; the fabulous locations of Independence Hall and the Wallbuilders’ Library, and finally our Biblical heritage is intricately woven throughout the entire course!
You will learn how the founders relied on their Christian moorings and Biblical worldview to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity. You will also be treated to encouraging historical facts and inspirational true stories that are not taught in our educational institutions today. All in all, you will be edified and equipped to operationalize your faith and practice Biblical Citizenship in Modern America!
There is limited registration for this class, so get signed up today and reserve your spot. The class comes with an online study guide with the option to purchase a hard copy (highly recommended) through the online store. Sign up and order it soon so you will have it when the class starts.