Newsmakers 11/27/19 – Cynthia O’Brien

Posted on November 27, 2019

Cynthia O’Brien, Better Angels PDX, joins Denise and Dave for Depolarizing Thanksgiving…

First, How to Stop a Thanksgiving Dinner Debacle
Group conversations are like water: they run downhill—at the speed of the most argumentative or agitated family member. If you feel like it might go badly at the table, here are ways to head them off.
1. Propose a no-politics ground rule up front.
▪ “I’d like to propose that we not talk politics during our Thanksgiving dinner. Is that okay with everyone?”
2. Intervene right away when someone starts a political conversation that you know will go badly.
▪ “I suggest we not talk politics during our Thanksgiving meal.”
▪ “Can we leave politics for later and just enjoy the meal?”
▪ Speak in a calm, non-blaming tone. You are doing this for the common good, not to come down on any individuals.
3. Interrupt and redirect if things are already going badly
▪ “Let’s finish this conversation later. Can we back up and just enjoy our dinner right now, without talking more about politics? ….How is Uncle Bob doing after his surgery?”
▪ “Who else agrees with me that we should change the subject and stop arguing about politics during our Thanksgiving dinner? [If you get a lot of nods and agreement] “So let’s talk about something boring like the weather or sports!”
▪ Speak firmly and without making it personal about the people who are arguing.
Note: This only works if you have resisted the temptation to talk politics yourself at the table. Otherwise, you’ll be seen as cutting off the other side.
If you have been involved in the political argument, express regret that you got into it at Thanksgiving dinner and ask if others are willing to finish it later and just enjoy the meal.
One of the other “combatants” may need to make face-saving statement (“I wasn’t arguing, just expressing my point of view!”)—which you should not respond to but rather repeat your hope to end the political discussion for now.
Second, Have One-to-One Political Conversations with Relatives
If you want to discuss politics with family members, do it in one-to-one conversations, preferably outside of hearing range of others who might jump in and drag you down.
Four Do’s
1. Try to understand the other’s viewpoint before responding with yours. (“I think you’re saying that…. Am I getting that right?” “What else do you think about it?”)
2. Use I statements (“this is how I see it”) rather than truth statements (this is how it is!”). Share your perspective rather than making pronouncements.
3. Find something in common, if at all possible. (“I agree with you that….” “We both want to fix this problem.” Leading with what you agree on softens the other person.
4. Acknowledge, and then respond. Go back and forth between acknowledging what the other person has said (“I get it that you think ….”) and making your points (“My own view is that….”). This avoids parallel speech making and encourages the other person to not just keep repeating a point that you already taken in.
Four Don’ts
1. Don’t raise your voice, or get agitated. It takes two to escalate.
2. Don’t ask gotcha questions. (“Do you actually believe that…?”) These are attacks rather than real questions.
3. Don’t assign negative motives to the other side. (“Republicans just want to help businesses pollute the environment for profit” or “Democrats want to open borders for criminals and terrorists.”) This leads to defensiveness and counterattack because no one is a villain in their own story.
4. Don’t throw out labels like “racist” or “socialist” or “libtard” or “fascist”. This shuts down or inflames the other person. You can usually make your point without the label.
Better Angels General Rule: Respect the worth and dignity of the person you’re talking with even, if you are dumbfounded or appalled by the views they express.
Better Angels Family Rule: Don’t let any politician or party harm your relationships with your loved ones.

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