Newsmakers At Noon 12/7/22

Posted on December 7, 2022

Eat, Drink, and be Merry! Mike Adams has been helping us do that for years and stopped by the studio today to talk about what’s on the calendar for Adams Rib Smoke House, Bo & Vine, and his catering business. Hint: it’s getting busy for Christmas and he suggested booking your summer events now to secure your place! Later in the show, Denise and Hunter welcomed Derek LeBlanc from Kids SAFE Foundation for some important updates on the status of M114 and the lawsuits wending their way through the Oregon courts. He stressed the need to educate ourselves about the measure and where to donate if we want to fund the fight. Here are some of the organizations that are assisting in this effort:  Oregon Firearms Federation (OFF)Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), Gun Owners of America (GOA), and National Rifle Association (NRA). Here is information on New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen


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