Linn-Benton Tractors/Oregon Equipment Sales “NEWSMAKERS at NOON” Presented by Les Schwab Tires
and sponsored in part by Green Acres Landscape, Sylvan Learning Center, Color Tile of Salem. Home Comfort and Cozzies NY Deli
Linn-Benton Tractors/Oregon Equipment Sales “NEWSMAKERS at NOON” Presented by Les Schwab Tires
and sponsored in part by Green Acres Landscape, Sylvan Learning Center, Color Tile of Salem. Home Comfort and Cozzies NY Deli
Brent DeHart and Dave Bourne cover long-term care and Medicaid
Jerry Walker, Owner of the Salem-Keizer Volcanoes stops in with Brent and Dave
Mark Becktel, Public Works Operations Division Manager for the City of Salem joins Brent and Dave with an update on […]
Michael Blanchard, CPA with Johnson Glaze- talks about Trump tax bill, accounting careers and how technology is changing things.
Brent DeHart and Dave Bourne.. Election Day and protesting businesses with your wallet
Brent DeHart and Dave Bourne discuss the news of the day.
Jeff McGowan, , Census Office Manager in Salem office – Recruiting efforts and the importance of the 2020 Census. LT. […]
Jennifer Coker, Boone Ridge Senior Community, about their Grand Opening May 19th, 2019, from 11a – 4p
Brent DeHart and Dave Bourne discuss the news of the day
Sheriff Mark Garton and Polk County Commissioner Craig Pope, on Public Safety Levy in May Election, Tuesday May 21st, 2019.